
American Spy Arrested By ‘Houthis’ Worked Undercover Via NGO Agencies




In 2015 after resistance forces took control of Yemen’s capital city, an American Red Cross ‘aid’ worker was arrested on suspicion of being a U.S. spy. His story exposes the key role so-called Non Governmental Organizations play providing logistical and military support for the Saudi-led war against Yemen, as well as possible Saudi-backed takfiri groups.

In 2015, Florida-born Scott Darden worked in Yemen for a New Orleans-based logistics company called Transoceanic Developments. Transoceanic’s website describes their work as delivering “key cargo to the most difficult areas of the globe” in areas like Somalia, Libya, and of course Yemen. The company works with NGO agencies, governments, and private companies moving cargo (relief aid, construction equipment, telecommunication materials, etc.) into conflict zones.

Darden worked for Transoceanic Development as Yemen’s country director supposedly with the job of delivering aid and reconstruction materials. But U.S. officials have just recently confirmed that the Transoceanic Development project was actually– secretly– working in tandem with U.S. military special operations in Yemen. The 6 current and former U.S. officials merely confirmed that the secret contract with Transoceanic Development did in fact exist and Darden was a part of it. But still refuse to provide any details since this specific operation in Yemen is still highly classified. This could likely mean that either this operation or similar operations are still on-going and releasing too much information could compromise more American-Saudi spies disguised as aid workers on-the-ground.

Scott Darden’s own background provides a glimpse into the interwoven relationship between groups like Unicef or the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and U.S. military operations. Darden was born to a Catholic family in Florida, raised in Atlanta, and studied at Georgia State University. But in the 80’s and 90’s, Darden traveled to Saudi Arabia to study Arabic and eventually converted to Islam. Whether or not his religious conversion in the Saudi way was to advance his spy career, one cannot be certain; but it definitely raises some questions. Saudi Arabia is a producer of extreme terrorist ideology aka Wahabism.

About 10 years ago Darden worked for another shipping and logistics company in Kuwait called Maersk. It was here he developed relationships with U.S. military contractors and began working with U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. His LinkedIn profile helps to expose a clear link between so-called NGO aid agencies and U.S. military operations. According to LinkedIn, Darden worked for Unicef and the Red Cross. So on paper he was indeed an ‘aid’ worker while providing undercover clandestine services to the U.S. military. Although no documents have been released, it wouldn’t be outrageous to assume that weapons are also entering conflict zones through Transoceanic contracts.

In Yemen, Darden worked for Transoceanic helping provide aid to the Red Cross. His job was to oversee employees in ports like Aden, Hodeidah, and Sana’a– all areas with strong resistance (anti-American anti-Saudi) control. So while Darden was in fact delivering aid, he was also essentially setting up U.S. sleeper cells: safe houses and supply networks for U.S. commando units.

In 2015, resistance forces known as the Houthis (also known as Ansarullah) swept Yemen’s capital city of Sana’a looking for anyone with ties to the imperialist American or Saudi regimes. There they found Darden hiding in a safe house he had likely helped to build. He was promptly arrested, imprisoned, and later released in coordination with Oman. Darden’s story provides a clear example as to why resistance groups like Ansarullah must shun international NGOs at all costs: they are in fact directly working in tandem with U.S. military operations under the cover of humanitarian relief.

This story is just one small exposure of a much larger network. It helps provide insight into how takfiri groups like al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula or al-Nusra in Syria manage to thrive thanks to NGOs. In Yemen for example, Saudi Arabia has imposed an air and sea blockade over Yemen. Any aid that enters the country from NGOs like the Red Cross must first be delivered to the improvised government in Aden– which is controlled by Saudi-backed forces. Take into account that Saudi-backed forces work along side al-Qaeda fighting the common enemy of Ansarullah and well, you do the math.

Source: Geographics Alert