
Solidarity Statement to the People of Yemen: Randi Nord


Randi Nord is an American citizen as well as activist for the Yemeni current crisis. She is also the co-founder of Geopolitics Alert Independent World News. Randi will be YemenExtra’s journalist for today and has written a letter dedicated to the almost 30 million Yemenis struggling with war and the constant US-backed Saudi airstrikes:

Activist Randi Nord speaking about the Yemeni crisis in Detroit

Although Yemen is thousands of miles away and worlds apart from my home here in the United States, I feel a strong connection to the people of Yemen. This is because we share the same interconnected struggle fighting the same oppressive forces.

I first of all would like to apologize on behalf of all US citizens for the suffering of the Yemeni people. We did not ask to be part of this war against your country; or any war for that matter. Despite this, we are forced to be complicit in our country’s actions. We are passive participants in this war. Between famine, illness, and bombings, Yemen has truly gone through hell. And as a US citizen, I would like to express my deepest apologies for your suffering.

Because of this, it is also my duty to extend solidarity to the Yemeni people. I know that despite our differences, we are united under the same struggle against the same oppressive forces. I know that as long as my country continues to oppress other countries like Yemen, US citizens will remain exploited and oppressed. As long as my country financially supports Zionism, US people will not have health care, proper education, or clean water. As long as my country allies with violent regimes like Saudi Arabia, the American people will be subjected to violent police and surveillance.

US-made cluster bombs used against Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition.

A mother and her daughter in fear of the US-backed Saudi bombardment.

I would also like to express my support for the people of Yemen in your fight. Nearly the entire world is actively fighting against you. The media ignores your suffering or makes up lies. In spite of this, you remain determined and resilient in your struggle. You are an inspiration to oppressed peoples all over the world. And I am honored to support you.

From Syria, to Palestine, to Ireland, to Yemen, to here in the US, we are united in struggle. Together, inshallah, we will be victorious against the oppressors.