
Trump’s Military Buildup Won’t Begin Until 2019: Defense One Website



Senior Pentagon officials said in Tuesday ” Don’t expect to see President Donald Trump’s promised military buildup kick into gear until 2019″, hours after delivering their 2018 request to Capitol Hill.    

John Roth told reporters at the Pentagon “the next step in rebuilding the armed forces,”

The defense one website mention that ” The $639 billion defense spending request — that’s a $574 billion “base budget” plus $65 billion to fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria and send more troops to Europe — tops the current year’s base-plus-OCO total by about $52 billion.”

according to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, who leads the Senate Armed Services Committee. Trump’s budget plan is “inadequate to the challenges we face, illegal under current law, and part of an overall budget proposal that is dead on arrival in Congress,” McCain said

During the 2016 campaign, Trump pledged to buy more warships and combat aircraft. Just days after taking office, the new president signed an executive order at the Pentagon to underscore his desire to fulfill those campaign promises.