
Spokesman of the Yemeni Army: Coalition’s Forces Go Away from Reality in Several Lies




The spokesman of the armed forces, Brig. Gen. Sharaf Ghaleb Luqman, denied in detail what the media of the Saudi enemy have described as lies and fabrications.

The army and the Popular Committees have stored weapons in houses and civilian houses.

Brigadier General Luqman said in a statement that the allegations of the forces of the US-Saudi coalition in this regard go away from reality, and have no logic but only to justify the crimes of coalition, past and subsequent, against innocent children and women.

He added that the army and the popular committees, with their noble morals and values, military honor and religious commitment, led them to the fields of honor to defend the homeland and self-sacrifice for the security and safety of their citizens.

Brigadier General Luqman called on the people of Yemen to be vigilant and not to deal with what the coalition is trying to do with malicious lies, in which they are trying to win the battle in which they have been defeated.