
Sana’a Says Goodbye to Its Martyrs Whom Eliminated Saleh’s Sedition




On Thursday, Sana’a held a funeral in Al-Sabean Square for the martyrs who eliminated the sedition initiated by the Yemeni former president, Saleh, against Ansarullah.

The funeral of 58 martyrs who participated in the operations of ending the starting internal war before it got too late. The funeral witnessed a large official and popular presence.

The Yemeni Ministry of Defense also took its part in the event and praised the role of these men and their priceless sacrifices.

Moreover, the statement said that a convoy of security martyrs, army and committees who thwarted the conspiracy of the Saudi regime and its allies extinguished the fire of sedition forever.

The ministry affirmed the continued stability of security and the imposition of the rule of law throughout the country, as well as to continue the journey until the defeat of Saudi war.

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