
Syrian Army prepares masses of tanks, artillery, troops for Daraa offensive




The Syrian Arab Army and allied paramilitaries are relocating scores of tanks, artillery pieces and troops to the province of Daraa for a coming offensive to capture a strategic city in the region, according to opposition sources. 

In the past 24 hours, opposition media, citing rebel sources, has reported that Syrian ‘regime forces and allies’ are mobilizing key formations to the region in and around Mazarat ad-Danaji axis (commonly referred to as the ‘death triangle’) in preparation for an operation against rebel militias in Daraa province.

 Mazarat ad-Danaji is a government-held town that sits on the provincial borders of Rif Dimashq and Daraa provinces.

Militant forces in the region are convinced that the Syrian Army plans open up a wide front against rebel groups in Daraa as well as near the UN de-confliction zone in the Golan plateau region.

Opposition media has stated that the likely objective of pro-government forces will be to capture the city of Al-Harrah which commands the roads to other rebel-held cities in Daraa province – namely Kasim and Enkhil.

Source: Al-Masdar News

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