
Hadramout .. Hours after the assassination of a tribal Sheikh , another one gets rid of of an assassination attempt




The leader of the tribes of Bani al-Tamim, Sheikh Nur bin Mansour al-Tamimi, survived late Monday evening from an assassination attempt in the Jahil district of the city of Tarim in Hadramout province.

According to local sources, two unidentified gunmen ,riding a motorbike ,fired a volley of bullets at the lieutenant as he was walking with his son in al-Jahil area of ​​the city of Trim

The sources said the lieutenant was unhurt ,but his car was broken down.

The assassination attempt came a few hours after the killing of Shaikh Salami al-Kathiri by armed gunmen ,on his motorcycle

Attacks have increased in Hadramout in recent times, especially after the entry of UAE troops.