
watch at aglance.. something you can not imagine it



Here some pictures of Saudi crimes that committed midnight in Jeder disreict in Sana`a, whole Family were killed.There are victims who still under the rubble of the targeted house, noting that the rescue efforts are now continue


This boy does not performs a scene in a film, he tries to survive and free of a real rubble, you know how much Km of cement concrete on him?
This boy does not perform a scene in funny film, he tries to survive and free of a real rubble, you know how much Km of cement concrete on him?
This House was fully families, before US gift that provided by Saudi aircraft midnight, killing children, women, and fathers, just imagine your family are under this rubble !
This House was full with families, before US gift that provided by Saudi aircraft midnight, killing children, women, and fathers, just imagine your family are under this rubble !







