
Tunisian Organizations Refuses to Visit Bin Salman to their Country Over his Crimes in Yemen




Tunisian organizations and associations condemned Saudi crimes in Yemen, expressive categorical rejection of the invitation to Crown Prince bin Salman to visit Tunisia and expected on Tuesday.

This visit harms to Tunisia image that thousands of martyrs sacrificed for their independence and freedom from tyranny, especially with the continued military campaign, led by Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, in common statement on Monday.

Saudi indifference to worsening the humanitarian situation in Yemen and widespread famine among his children. Explaining that it happens in full disregard of the report of the United Nations Committee of experts on human rights violations in Yemen headed by Kamal al-Jandoubi, the statement denied.

Bin Salman’s visit comes as part of a tour of Arab countries aimed at breaking his isolation on a background of involvement in the heinous crime of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The Tunisian organizations and associations that signed this statement confirmed their adherence to the voices calling for the accountability of the Saudi regime for its violations of human rights and crimes against humanity in Yemen.