
Are Sudanese Children were Trained by Coalition to Use US Weapons?: US Congress




Twenty members of the US Senate from the Democratic and Republican parties have written a letter demanding that the Secretary of State and US Deputy Attorney General immediately review reports of the recruitment of children in Yemen by the coalition and the implications for future US military aid or possible legal action.

The members of Congress asked for information on whether the Sudanese children participating in the coalition had obtained or were trained by the coalition to use US weapons.

In their letter, legislators also called for information on reports that the UAE was arming the Abu al-Abbas Brigades, which are on the US sanctions list.

Lawmakers said it was worrisome that the United States and its allies could help provide weapons to al Qaeda or its allies in Yemen, stressing that the United States should not provide weapons or military aid to it.

In Brussels, speakers at the meeting of the Human Rights Sub-Committee and the Development Committee of the EU Parliament denounced what Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have done in the war they are waging in Yemen.

During an official meeting in the parliament, speakers stressed the importance of the parliament’s decision to impose a European arms embargo on Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

They also described the UAE’s attempt to annex Socotra as illegal and noted that the international media ignored the issue.

The Saudi war on Yemen has been a lost war since its first day, and moral defeat is the most painful for the coalition in front of human rights organizations, as a result of the killing of children in their school buses and other crimes against humanity.

Saudi crimes are a duplicate of the crimes committed by the Zionist entity and the United States of America.

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