
Revealed: Two Phone Calls Between Former Yemeni President and the Director of the CIA



The Al-Masirah Arabic Channel revealed secret documents and two secret phone calls between former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the director of the American CIA, which reveal the US ambitions in Yemen and the involvement of the former regime in the treason of Yemen.

The documents and the first private call between President Saleh and former US CIA Director George Tenet – which was presented by the Moral Guidance Department – revealed the size of American ambitions in Yemen and the strong relationship between the former regime and the United States.

The call included an acknowledgment of the direct relationship between the American intelligence and ISIS and Al-Qaeda, in addition to the involvement of the former regime in this betrayal. It also included an acknowledgment from the top of the hierarchy of the CIA that they had direct relations with leaders from “Al Qaeda”.

The call also included an American insistence on removing one of the intelligence agents detained in the Political Security prison in the capital, Sana’a, following the bombing of the USS Cole.

The second call presented by the relevant guidance department, which the traitor Saleh made with Tenet on the same day, includes the agreement of Saleh to release the arrested operative in Sana’a and hand him over to the Americans.