
YPC: The Coalition Saudi-Emirate seizes diesel ship “Daytona”


The Coalition Saudi-Emirate detained the diesel-loaded ship “Daytona” and forcibly took it off Jizan.

The official spokesman for the Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC), Issam Al-Mutawakil, said in a statement to the Yemeni , “Tightening the noose around the Yemeni people, and in clear violation of the declared UN armistice, the US-led aggression coalition today detained the diesel ship (Daytona), despite having been inspected and obtained United Nations entry permits.”

Al-Mutawkil considered the detention of the ship is a clear violation of the UN armistice, which is supposed to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people, noting the number of detained ships reached three oil ships, all of them inspected and holding UN permits.