
Syrian Army scores vital advance near the occupied Golan Heights as Israel watches from afar




The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) resumed their field operations in the Beit Jinn pocket of west Damascus, Monday, striking the terrorist defenses overlooking the area from its northern flank.

Backed by Al-Quneitra Hawks Brigade of the National Defense Forces (NDF), the Syrian Arab Army’s 42nd Brigade (Ghiath Forces) stormed the northern pocket of the Beit Jinn pocket amid interference from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

The Syrian Armed Forces were capable of capturing several areas from the terrorist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, giving them fire control over Kafr Hoor and Kafr Al-Awameed in this pocket near the occupied Golan Heights.

According to a military source in the Al-Quneitra Governorate, Monday’s advance will propel the Syrian Armed Forces in the upcoming days to advance further into the Beit Jinn pocket.

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