
Saudi-Paid Militia Operations in Marib Result in Civilian Deaths




A child was killed and five others injured, including three children and two women, in a Saudi paid militia shell targeting Marib province on Monday.

The civilians fell as victims in the region of Rabeh in Hareeb Qaramish district, local source reported to YemenExtra.

 It is not the first crime of its kind, whereas it is believed that the militia has been accused of targeting residential regions when inflicted with heavy losses.

A victim of the Saudi-backed reckless shelling in Marib.

The Saudi-paid militia fights in favor of the current Saudi war against the impoverished country of Yemen, which has also perpetrated war crimes such as the Kobra Hall massacre.

Speaking of the Kobra Hall massacre, the US-backed Saudi coalition bombarded a funeral procession in the capital Sana’a, resulting in 700 killed and wounded civilians.

Some of the most horrific scenes were released after the incident, containing charred bodies and others missing their limbs.

The coalition’s media wings first denied hitting the hall, illogically blaming it on Ansar Allah even though it is confirmed they entirely control the capital and no fighting is taking place there.