
Palestinians don’t have the Right to Have Shelter: Israeli Settlers




The Shamasneh family have just become the latest Palestinian family to loose their homes to Israeli settlers in the East Jerusalem village of Sheikh Jarrah.

Early this Tuesday morning Israeli settlers took over the family house evicting the residents who have called the property their home for 53 plus years.

Israeli regime security forces stormed the house with automatic weapons drawn, surprisingly invading the family home as other forces blocked all roads surrounding, making way for the settlers to immediately take the house over. The family of eight who were violently evicted, included a handicapped 84 year old man and 75 year old woman.

Israeli law allows for East Jerusalem houses believed to have been owned by Jews (pre-1948) to be “handed back” to Jews.

The problem with this case is that evicting residents of a house that they have owned and lived their lives in for 50 plus years just because someone of a preferred ethnicity comes along is a racist policy. To make the situation worse, the people who have taken over the family home are three right wing Israeli settler activists, not the family who is said to have previously lived in the house.

The settlers quickly took to destroying personal objects remaining and hanging Israeli flags from the walls of the home, then posing for proud photos.

Palestinians see this as a clearly racist move and part of Israel’s apartheid laws. Dozens of other house owners are also now under threat of evictions in the area.

Source : Website