
Palestinian Girl Sustains Illegal Israeli Sentence




Sixteen year old Palestinian girl Lama al-Bakri has just been sentenced to 3 years imprisonment by an Israeli military court.

Lama was shot and severely injured back in 2015 after it was alleged she attempted to stab a soldier near Kirtat Arba, an illegal Israeli settlement in Hebron (al-Khalil).

Despite the fact that under international law, resisting the occupation is completely legal, the Israeli regime arrest anyone who does so.

Palestinians in the West Bank are under military law and a child throwing a stone at occupying soldiers can currently be sentenced for up to 20 years in prison.

Lama – who was blocked access to an ambulance as she lay on the streets with a bullet wound – now must pay a 6,000 shekel fine, face over three years in Israeli jail and will be added to the long list of minors that the Israeli regime have sentenced to prison. According to Addameer (a prisoners rights group), over 300 Palestinian minors are held currently in Israeli prisons as of August this year.

Source: Website