
Yemen’s Ansar Allah assured that security has been restored to the capital Sana’a





Yemen’s Ansar Allah revolutionary group assured that security has been restored to the capital Sanaa after days of clashes with militiamen of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The group’s spokesman Mohammad Abdul Salam said the “conspiracy”, which Saudi and other aggression powers were betting on, was thwarted.

“Yesterday their media (Saudi media outlets) were celebrating the fall of Sanaa, along with other five provinces. However, the Saudi-led war planes were bombing Sanaa and the five provinces. How come they are bombing areas they have restored?!” Abdul Salam posted on his Twitter account on Sunday.

Earlier on Saturday, Yemen’s Supreme Political Council, which is made up of Ansarullah revolutionaries, said the situation was back to normal in the capital.

The council’s head Saleh Ali al-Sammad called on all the Yemeni people, political parties and tribes to exercise patience, counteract any act of coalition, and not contribute to the “conspiracies” meant to stoke tensions.

Meanwhile, he voiced regret over recent developments in the capital, stressing meanwhile that confronting the Saudi-led coalition is a top priority.

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