
Zionist Quits UNESCO over ‘Attacks’





Following in the footsteps of the US, ‘Israel’ announced its exit from UNESCO, citing the it’s “attacks” on the Zionist entity. The move comes after 128 UN members voted to reject the US’ recognition of Al-Quds as Israeli capital.

The decision was based on the UN-run agency’s “attempts to disconnect Jewish history from the land of Israel,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon said.

He added that the official letter of withdrawal will be submitted by the end of the year and that Tel Aviv will effectively leave the organization by the end of 2018.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed Israeli envoy to UNESCO, Carmel Shama-Hacohen, to officially announce the withdrawal, Haaretz reported.

In doing so, Tel Aviv joins Washington, which announced in October that it will leave UNESCO due to its “continuing anti-Israel bias” and “the need for fundamental reform in the organization.”

According to Haaretz, Netanyahu made the decision after a series of discussions centered around Israeli desire to not leave the US isolated in the move.

According to UNESCO regulations, a member state’s exit takes effect on December 31 of the year after the official letter of intent is submitted. Even though the US made its official announcement earlier in October, both countries will leave the agency at the same time.

The Israeli announcement comes after 128 UN member states voted on Thursday at the General Assembly to reject US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of the Zionist entity. Nine states voted against the resolution and 35 nations abstained.

Source: RT