
16 year old Palestinian girl to be sentenced for standing up to Israeli gunmen




16 year old Ahed Tamimi has reportedly just been charged with 5 accounts of assault.

The charges included accounts on: threatening a soldier, attacking a soldier under aggrevated circumstances, interfering with a soldier in carrying out his duties, incitment, and throwing objects at individuals or property.

Ahed was arrested at 3 in the morning by Israeli gunmen, after a video went viral of the 16 year old, telling illegally invading soldiers “get out or I’ll punch you”, before slapping them and kicking at them.

Israeli media, society and politicians, united in deeming the teenage girl a “terrorist” and claiming Israeli victimhood.

The campaign against Ahed Tamimi led to ‘Israeli Defence Minister’, Avigdor Leiberman, advocating for her entire family to be arrested. The ‘Israeli Education Minister’ also called upon the life imprisonment of the 16 year old. A prominent Israeli journalist even incited, what many saw as, a call to rape the Tamimi women.

Nariman Tamimi (Ahed’s mother) is also being convicted of assault and “incitement on social media”.

Ahed’s cousin, Nour Tamimi (20 years old) is currently being held for a further court date.

Source : Website