
Yemen Is Fed up with War and Ready for All Possibilities




Yemen has been suffering for nearly four years from tragic circumstances caused by the war imposed on it by its northern neighbors, which has killed tens of thousands and exposed the country to a long-term humanitarian tragedy that children mainly suffer from. UNICEF warned on Sunday that a Yemeni child dies Every 10 minutes from preventable diseases.

The Humanitarian Situation in Yemen

Several years have passed and the world is still just waiting for the fate of the Yemenis, without taking a single action to save these people from this hell on earth that was besieged by the Saudi-led coalition. The latest humanitarian situation in Yemen say, and I quote “We should not be surprised that today there is a child who dies every 10 minutes of easily preventable diseases,” UNICEF’s Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa Geert Cappelaere said, adding “Today Yemen is a hell for children, not only for 50-60% of children but for every child in Yemen, and explained that in Yemen:” 1.8 million children suffer from malnutrition And 400,000 children with life-threatening malnutrition, 40% of whom live in coastal province of Hodeidah. ”

“Unfortunately, the situation in Yemen is difficult and continues to deteriorate, and in addition to the war there is an economic crisis that leads to the scarcity of basic materials for the Yemeni people,” he said, adding that “30,000 children under five still die each year from diseases “The parties to the conflict must ensure humanitarian access and protection of the people, without any conditions and restrictions,” Geert Cappelaere said.

Attempts to end the war on Yemen 

Khashoggi’s death has nothing to do with Yemen’s war and its consequences, but it has affected and cast light over the Saudi war against Yemen. After years of committed crimes and massacres against civilians of Yemen, the international community finally spoke up more about some of the major crimes committed by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, which forced countries all over the world to vote for an end of this brutal war. The US declared last month that it was time for an end of the war on Yemen and to start negotiations between the parties participating in the conflict. The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also urged that it was time to stop hostilities in Yemen.

In a preset time, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for an end to “violence” in Yemen and for pushing towards peace talks that would put an end to the war in the impoverished country.

Senior officials and ambassadors from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Britain met in Riyadh on Sunday to identify the main measures to address the economic and humanitarian situation in Yemen.

A statement issued by the meeting said that so far a number of steps have been taken to help Yemen’s economy and support the stability of the Yemeni riyal. These included Saudi Arabia’s $ 2 billion deposit to the Central Bank of Yemen, followed by a $ 200 million grant from Saudi Arabia to the Yemeni government and a monthly donation of $ 60 million of oil derivatives to power generators in the Saudi coalition under control provinces. But since Saudi Arabia announced the deposit, nothing much has changed regarding the economy of the country? In matter of fact, things are only getting worse, as if these meetings and temporal solutions are merely an attempt to ease the global tension of what is happening in Yemen and whiten the page of Saudi Arabia at the expense of the suffering of the Yemeni people, who is suffering from an economic crisis, according to the World Bank, poverty ratio in Yemen has exceeded 85%. So, will this percentage change in the future into the positive side because of international acts or will America prefer to have arms deals at the expense of the lives of the oppressed in Yemen ?!

The Ansar Allah movement said it had stopped the missiles and drone attacks on Saudi Arabia and the UAE and their allies in Yemen, the movement said in a statement late on Sunday that it is ready to halt all the military operations on all fronts to reach a just peace if the opposite party wants Peace for the people of Yemen, who said are suffered by the Saudi imposed siege and aggression.

The statement said: “This initiative comes in support of the efforts of the UN envoy to Yemen, as a proof of goodwill, and in support of peace efforts.

In this way, “Ansar Allah” has did their part for achieving peace, so will the Saudi-led coalition act the same way or will it continue to bomb innocent people as it did recently in Hodeidah ?, knowing that the Ansar Allah movement is present for all possibilities and we saw it in the past few days, when the army in support of the committees foiled Saudi militias offensive in the front of Hiran, Hajjah governorate, according to the Yemeni news agency “Saba” run by Ansar Allah.

The spokesman of the movement said that “the enemy launched an offensive operation that lasted for twenty-four hours on Hiran in the province of Hajjah, in which it attacked it from three different tracks with a number of three military brigades under the intensive cover and support of Saudi coalition warplanes, and here we find that all possibilities are still open, but everyone has the hope that the conflicting parties will sit at a table to resolve the existing dispute, which has not achieved any advance until now.