
The US and Saudi Arabia Don’t Want Peace for Yemen: Houthi (DER SPIEGEL Interview)



The member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi, stressed the welcoming of any efforts that aim to bring peace, stop the Saudi aggression and lift the siege imposed on Yemen, noting that it was the aggressive coalition, led by the Saudi regime and backed by the US, who rejected the joint declaration presented by the UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths.

In an interview with the German newspaper “Der Spiegel”, the member of the Supreme Political Council said that the national government in Sana’a presented a “comprehensive solution document” containing many solutions to Yemeni problems.

“We have always been reaching for peace since the beginning of the Saudi-led aggressive coalition and we have presented peace initiatives, and they have not yet presented any,” he said.

“We are prepared for a ceasefire on all front lines, stop missile and drone attacks, engage into serious solutions in accordance with the comprehensive solution document, agree on what concerns the Yemeni people, and then go to sign in Germany or Mecca or anywhere else, and what matters to us is to cease the siege imposed on the Yemeni people, end the aggressive coalition on Yemen, and they must rebuild,” he added.

America labels people as “terrorists” whenever it wants

The member of the Supreme Political Council explained that America labels people as terrorists whenever it wants, and it had described the Taliban group as terrorists before, but now, after it has ended the game, it made Taliban “peace knights”.

He pointed out that this description is a political description that America uses to suppress the peoples opposing its policies, as is the case for the Republic of Yemen. Mohammed Al-Houthi indicated that every crime committed by the US in Yemen increases the anger of the Yemenis against it.

He pointed out that America uses the pretext of terrorism to target civilians in Yemen, while its ambassador meets those wanted by the US Treasury, such as Ali Mohsen and other leaders of the mercenaries that are paid by the Saudi aggression, stressing that the military campaign against Yemen does not have any legal justification.

Al-Houthi: If America and Saudi Arabia have a score to settle with Iran, then they should settle it with the Iranians

In response to a question that the purpose of the Saudi aggressive coalition on Yemen is to put pressure on Iran, Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi stressed that this is not true, emphasizing that there are no bridges between them and Iran that can lead to pressure on them if there were targeted.

Moreover, he also stressed that the justifications that talk about killing the Yemeni people to end the Iranian threat is among the clear American fallacies and to mislead the world.

With regard to the American reports that indicate Iran’s support for Yemen with drones and ballistic missiles, the Houthi leader said, “This is inconsistent with the blockade. They have to choose between two things. Either we are besieged – and this is the truth – and they failed in imposing their siege, or we are not besieged.”

He mentioned that America is talking about this unreal support to cover up the money it takes from Saudi Arabia and the money it steals to support this war.

“If we are supported by Iran, let America go to strike Iran, why do you come to strike us in Yemen and the truth is that there is no support,” Mohammed Al-Houthi said when he was asked if they are being supported by Iran.

“We told the Saudis, the Americans and others, if you have a score to settle with the Islamic Republic of Iran, then go to Iran, why is it using the military and economic war against us,” he added.

The Yemeni people develop their military capabilities by themselves

Regarding targeting civilians, Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi said, “If targeting civilians was our methodology, there would be thousands of massacres, but the opposite is true. Whoever owns a weapon whose error rate is zero is the one who intentionally commits thousands of massacres against the Yemeni people.”

He pointed out that the Yemeni people are developing their military capabilities and have experiences and minds, pointing out that Germany has been able to face the world as a result of its experiences and minds.

Yemen being used as a testing field for American weapons

He pointed out that among the reasons for not stopping the coalition of aggression is Gulf money and “to recycle” mercenaries or people who were working for America and Saudi Arabia.

“When they find out that there is a country seeking for its full sovereignty, they attack it, as is the case for us in the Republic of Yemen,” he said.

He noted that America is using military escalation and striking in Yemen to send a message to Germany, Russia and China that they cannot confront America because it has advanced weapons and that the Republic of Yemen has become a field for those weapons to be tested.

Al-Houthi pointed out that Saudi Arabia and America crossed all red lines in the war on Yemen for targeting most of the vital installations and civil institutions, killing Yemenis, and using international prohibited weapons. They also used the siege as a weapon and targeted mosques all over the country.

America supports Al Qaeda and ISIS are in Yemen

He stated that al-Qaeda and ISIS, who he considers them American made, are found in the areas in which the Saudi-led aggressive coalition is occupying and are protected by the aggressive coalition. He indicated that the prisoners that Saudi Arabia and America demand – on the basis of exchange – include many terrorist elements and the United Nations and the Red Cross know this.

He stressed that Saudi Arabia and the aggressive coalition are those who support al-Qaeda and ISIS, and there are joint meetings between the military leaders from both sides. In addition, they participate in the battles along with the mercenaries and forces of the coalition of aggression, and the American warplanes support these terrorist elements, stressing that there documented scenes that approve his saying.

The confrontation will not stop  

Regarding the suffering of the Yemeni people and the threat to cease aid, the member of the political council said, “We will not stand idly by in the face of any threat to our country. We have many great means, and this choice is determined by the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi.”

He noted that the aggression alliance has been held legally responsible for the use of the blockade as a weapon of war against the Yemeni people.

Mohammed Al-Houthi said that the United Nations continues to demand that Saudi Arabia fulfill its commitments and so far, the pledges for 2019 have not been delivered, as well as those made in 2020. Saudi Arabia did not even help Yemen with a single dollar at the donor conference but restated what had been announced earlier.

He also noted that the National Salvation Government of Yemen continues to carry out its tasks towards the Yemeni people by achieving security and stability for citizens, combating al-Qaeda and ISIS, providing services to all without discrimination, and defending the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Yemen, all of which are dedications that are not being shown by the other side of the conflict.

Al-Houthi concluded his statement by renewing his calls to the German media to visit Yemen, and expressing thanks to the German people who stand up against the aggression against Yemen.