
Yemen’s Armed Forces Carry Out 7th Balanced Deterrence Operation Targeting Saudi Depth


Yemeni army forces have launched a large-scale military operation targeting vital installations and military bases deep inside Saudi Arabia.

“In a retaliation to the crimes of US-Saudi aggression against Yemen, our Armed Forces have carried out the 7th Balanced Deterrence operation, targeting several Saudi vital installations and military bases,” military spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e said in a statement on Sunday .

According to the spokesman, Saudi Aramco oil facilities in Ras al-Tanura in Dammam, eastern Saudi Arabia, were targeted with 8 Sammad-3 drones and one ballistic missile of the Zulfiqar type.

“Aramco’s facilities in Jeddah, Jizan and Najran were also bombed with five Badr ballistic missiles and two Sammad-3 drones” he added.

Spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e affirmed that the attack was carried out with high precision and successfully achieved its objectives.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces warn the Saudi enemy of the consequences of its ongoing aggression against our country and its people.

The Armed Forces affirm its legitimate right to carry out more qualitative military operations in defence of the country and its people until the aggression is stopped and the blockade lifted.