
Kidney patients in mortal danger across Yemen due to Saudi fuel blockade



The head of the dialysis department at the Republican Hospital in Sana’a, Huda al-Hibri, confirmed that the lack of petroleum products constitutes a humanitarian disaster for all sectors, especially in the field of health.

“The hospital receives approximately 120 kidney failure patients daily from the capital’s secretariat and from the countryside of Sana’a governorate, and patients are given 4 sessions per day,” Dr. al-Hibri said in a statement to Al-Masirah Arabic channel.

“The patients suffer from delays in washing sessions due to the lack of oil derivatives and their inability to reach us at the specified times, and we cannot give them enough time for washing,” she added.

She pointed out that the hospital’s health and nursing staff suffer difficulties in reaching the center as a result of the oil derivatives crisis, which causes patients to be late for their treatment sessions.

According to her, the oil derivatives crisis has led to a power outage for devices that perform dialysis for patients with kidney failure.