
Prominent Military Leader in STC had an Assassination Attempt in Abyan


a prominent military leader in the transitional forces was subjected to an assassination attempt in Abyan Governorate, southern Yemen.

Informed sources said that an explosive device exploded in the convoy of the security belt commander in the central region of the governorate, Nasser Sheikh Al-Saeedi, while he was passing the public road in the Mudiya district.

The sources indicated that Al-Saeedi, who is considered the most prominent military leader of the Transitional Council, miraculously survived the explosion, while a number of his companions were wounded.

Earlier in the day, violent explosions targeted a military convoy of the Transitional Council factions in the Al-Mahfad district, leaving dead and wounded.

Recently, Abyan governorate has been witnessing a wide wave of bombings and assassinations, in light of the escalation of the series of liquidations between the coalition factions.