
Saudi Arabia, UAE Seek To Control Hadramout, Agree To Divide Yemen


The head of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Aidarous al-Zubaidi, has taken new scenarios as a part of his attempts to control Hadramout governorate, to include it in the secession project that has recently revived remarkably in southern Yemen.

Al-Zubaidi’s attempts to strengthen his position in this province appeared through his speech, in which he emphasized “the great importance that the province represents in the southern project, due to its historical and cultural heritage, and its competencies capable of contributing effectively to shaping the future of generations.” This is what observers considered as promises to the sheikhs and notables that they would have a place in the secession project that he wants to achieve by annexing eastern Yemen.

According to observers, while the meeting is considered an attempt to drag these sheikhs and notables into the Zubaidi side, it is another attempt to form a tribal entity to confront the “reference of the Hadramout tribes.”

Hadramout tribes announced in a meeting last Thursday, the need to “establish a negotiating framework for the people of Hadramout, and representation in all political settlements for peace solutions in Yemen based on negotiation and parity, and the right of Hadhramaut to establish an independent state, and an independent region whenever the settlement is determined by regions,” which indicates that projects of dividing Yemen into several mini-states.

Despite the divergence of positions between the components and factions loyal to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, there is an initial agreement between the two parties to go for the partition, even if the method differs.

The calls for the independence of Hadhramaut, which were launched remarkably last February, and were supported by the Islah Party in Hadhramaut, come amid intense US activities in the governorate. According to political analysts, these activities confirm that Washington stands behind calling for the division of Yemen.