
Yemen’s Intelligence Triumphs: Foiling Espionage Networks Amid Regional Struggles


The mission was to destabilize areas under Sana’a’s authority by spreading crime, malicious rumors, assassinations, and gathering intelligence on military sites.
However, Yemen’s Ministry of Interior and its intelligence agency were vigilant, thwarting these plans and apprehending numerous cells involved in espionage for the coalition forces.

Additionally, they uncovered networks trained by U.S., British, and Israeli intelligence to spy on missile locations, drones, and Yemeni leadership.

After the failure to halt Yemen’s military support for Gaza, Yemen’s intelligence scored a significant success by dismantling a British-Saudi spy network.

This operation exposed Britain’s historical role in manipulating the Arabian Peninsula, dating back to its orchestration of Gulf regimes as tools for Zionist projects, including the exploitation of the region’s resources.

In a detailed statement, Yemen’s security and intelligence apparatus revealed the comprehensive training British and Saudi operatives provided to these spies, including surveillance techniques, tracking technology, and sophisticated communication tools.

The parallels with operations in Lebanon, Iran, Syria, and Iraq, where targeted strikes followed such espionage activities, highlight the broader intent of Yemen’s adversaries.

Yemen’s robust counterintelligence measures have set a global example. Despite relentless efforts by adversaries, Yemen’s intelligence operations have consistently thwarted plots, solidifying the nation’s position as a formidable opponent in the intelligence arena.

These triumphs not only safeguard Yemen but also reinforce its steadfast support for Gaza amidst widespread Arab inaction. While many in the Arab world have opted for silence, Yemen continues to claim victories in the name of all Arabs, embodying resilience and determination in the face of aggression.

source Almasirah website