
The Head Of The Prisoners’ Committee Presents A Comprehensive Exchange Of Prisoners, Including The Leaders


The head of the National Committee for Prisoners Affairs, Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada, offered to conduct a comprehensive local deal to exchange prisoners with clients of the Saudi- coalition, including the senior leaders of the other party.

Al-Murtada, in exclusive statements to the almasira channal , revealed that the Saudi party is the one who controls the prisoner exchange negotiations, and that the Saudi intelligence officers were present in the negotiation sessions in Amman, Jordan, and controlled their course. They are the ones who fully control the prisoners’ file with the other party.

He Pointed out in this regard that the Saudi Operations Room also issued instructions to stop any local prisoner exchange deals with clients, especially if large numbers were included in the deal.

He mentioned that the local deals were able to liberate more than 9,000 prisoners from both sides. Al-Murtada also revealed that the head of the delegation of the other party did not pay any attention to the release of Hadi Mansour in the last round in Amman, but rather his focus was on the leader of the Islah Party, Muhammad Qahtan.

He said: We went to the Amman rounds and had full authority to implement the exchange file, but we encountered rejection of all the solutions that were agreed and signed. We did not find in the negotiation rounds who had complete authority to make the decision.

He added: The Saudi officers stipulate in any deal that their prisoners have the largest share in exchange for keeping the largest number of our prisoners, and they deal regionally when selecting their prisoners. With regard to the international role, the head of the National Committee of Prisoners explained that the United Nations had significantly weakened its role in the recent rounds, and was unable to obligate the other party to what had been agreed upon, and it deals with the prisoners’ file as a secondary file for humanitarian considerations and its effects on other files.
Revealing in this regard that Sanaa informed the United Nations of its readiness to release the Sudanese prisoners in exchange for the release of our prisoners held by the Saudis and the Emiratis but without a response.