
Settlers Storm AL Aqsa Mosque and Launch a Campaign of Arrests in the Occupied West Bank




On Sunday morning, groups of Israeli settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque under the security protection of the Israeli police, while the occupation forces arrested 5 Palestinians from the West Bank.

The sources said that more than 75 Israeli settlers stormed AL-Aqsa through the door of AL-Maqarebah   after the occupation forces had opened the door for them.

On a daily basis, the settlers storm AL- Aqsa Mosque, while the occupation authorities continue their racist and criminal practices against Jerusalemites, including the execution and demolition of homes and the prohibition of praying at Al Aqsa.

In a separate context, the Israeli occupation forces arrested today dawn five citizens in the occupied West Bank, including a released prisoner.

According to a Palestinian site ,local sources said that the occupation patrols stormed the town of Bitounia west of the city of Ramallah ,starting from the camp of “Ofer” and raided the home of an prisoner , arrested him ,and taken him to an unknown destination.

The Israeli occupation forces also arrested a young man from the town of Fahma when he passed through a military checkpoint near the entrance of Arrabeh, south of Jenin, and took him to an unknown destination.

The sources pointed out that the Israeli soldiers erected the military checkpoint for hours , stopped cars and citizens ,and checked their identities.

The occupation also announced the arrest of a citizen in the town of Bitounia in Ramallah district, in addition to the arrest of citizens in the town of Beit Ummar north of Hebron.

Confrontations broke out in the area between the citizens and the occupation forces, during which the occupation forces fired gas and sound bombs.