
Two Saudi-paid commanders killed in an attack on a house in Aden




A major leader of the so-called “southern Yemeni resistance”, Adeeb al-Issie, was injured on Monday evening in an armed attack on his home in the southern city of Aden.

Media wings affiliated with the Saudi-led coalition quoted eyewitnesses as saying that a meeting room outside the house was attacked by an RPG missile before being followed by an armed attack.

Witnesses said gunmen opened fire at people inside the office, including al-Issie, who was confirmed by medical sources as being injured and receiving treatment at one of Aden’s hospitals.

The sources pointed out that among the dead are commander Kamal al-Dhali in addition to the recruiter Qasim al-Issie, who work as accompanists to Issie.

A local source said that Issie was one of the leaders who reject the practices of the UAE in Aden and the Yemeni southern governorates.

On Monday, two unidentified gunmen on a motorbike killed an investigation Officer in Mansoura District, Aden, with an assault rifle.

This comes in the context of conflicts emerging between factions loyal to the Saudi regime and the UAE for influence and wealth in southern Yemen.

The southern governorates under the control of the Saudi forces, the city of Aden in particular, have been witnessing a state of security chaos, assassinations and the spread of Takfir groups.

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