
Saudi-led coalition loots Yemenis as they on the brink of famine!




Lootings and security disorder have been ramping in Aden and other provinces since United Arab Emirates,  a main part of the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, forces took over the city.

An unknown armed groups attacked and looted employees’ salaries of Water and Sanitation Foundation in Yemen’s southern city of Aden,whereas the paid fighters attacked a financial accountant’s car of branch of the foundation and fled carrying with money in Mansoura district.

Paid fighters members loyal to the coalition revealed that an official in ministry of defense in Saudi-backed government of the exiled Yemeni president Hadi dominated and seized a land scheme of a whole block in Aden province.

“Deputy director of the so-called supplies department in the ministry brigadier general Ali Mohammed al-Koud and another person named Saleh Hoshab have dominated the Block 1 land located in Bir Fadl area in Aden since a long time,” media sources quoted militants as saying.

The paid fighters asserted that al-Koud and Hoshab tried by the force of arms to build a fence round a land area of more than 20,000 square meters on the grounds that the land belongs to them and that they purchased it from the owners.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) -run Yemeni Oil Investments Company announced 600 thousands of Yemen’s oil barrels exported  from Shabwah province.

A number of exiled Hadi’s government ministers withdraw large sums of money from accounts of their ministries deposited in the Central Bank of Yemen, Ahli and other banks in Aden province. Ministers of Hadi, who are in various countries, carried out withdrawals of large sums of funds from the ministries that were opened before the transfer of the Central Bank to Aden.

Local sources told YemenExtra that “the southern and UAE military leaders prevented fishermen in the city of Mukha from entering the sea and allowed modern fishing vessels to practice fishing in those coasts without justification.”

The sources confirmed that “a fishing vessel arrives in the UAE every day from Mukha and Khokha shores and sold its Load for the benefit of military leaders of the UAE and South.”

A local official said that Bin Daghr’s authorities in Aden became a gang to loot goods and food aid that belonging to traders and companies in the northern provinces.

The authorities seized raw materials of Sanaa-based Kamran company and medicines and food supplies for traders.

Paid fighters belonging to the coalition in Yemen looted an ancient archaeological site in Taiz province, seizing a large quantities of ancient gold and antiquities. The looted antiquities included marble and gold statues.

The paid fighters on military vehicles came from outside Taiz and arrived in the eastern region of Shamaya area, where the ancient archaeological site has recently discovered.

Saudi-backed resigned president Abd Rabu Mansour Hadi accused the UAE of looting Socotra Island under the banner of charity work.Hadi’s move came very late three years after the UAE forces seized control over the island.

In March 2015, the US -backed –Saudi-led coalition started  a war against Yemen with the declared aim of crushing the Houthi Ansarullah movement, who had taken over from the staunch Riyadh ally and fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, while also seeking to secure the Saudi border with its southern neighbor. Three years and over 600,000 dead and injured Yemeni people and  prevented the patients from travelling abroad for treatment and blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country, the war has yielded little to that effect.

Despite the coalition claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi bombers are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

However, Saudi Arabia relies heavily on the US in its brutal war on Yemen. Washington has deployed a commando force on the Arab kingdom’s border with Yemen to help destroy arms belonging to Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement. Washington has also provided logistical support and aerial refueling.

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