
Clashes in the center of the city of Brega in UAE-Controlled Yemeni province




A young man was killed and another wounded in fierce clashes between fighting factions of the paid fighters of the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, in the southern province of Aden, run by UAE.

According to a local source, confrontations and violent clashes erupted between groups of the paid fighters, which used light and medium weapons, in the center of the Directorate of Brega.

The source confirmed that a young man was killed at the age of 20 years after being shot several times on the head, while another one was shot on the foot.

Aden city, which was occupied by UK but now under the control of UAE, and the rest of the southern cities witness an insecurity situation that increased the assassinations of Imams of mosques and security and military leaderships

The province of Aden also witnesses a security fiasco that escalated with killings, looting issues , in addition to others that never happened before.