
How does the Saudi-led coalition fight in favor of Israel in Yemen!




A member of the national negotiating delegation on Thursday commented on the appearance of Khalid al-Yamani, foreign minister in the Saudi-backed government, sitting next to Zionist entity’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Warsaw summit in Poland.

Abdulmalik al-Ajari said in a press statement that that reveals “the relationship of the exiled Hadi’s government with the Zionist entity and exposes the previous relations between them, including the participation of Israeli forces in the aggression against Yemen.”,confirming the presence of Israeli officers in Yemen to back paid fighters loyal to Saudi-led coalition.

“This will push many votes in favor of the war on Yemen to change their view on Hadi’s government, which will contribute to its disappearance,” al-Ajari added.

Leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi,last year, revealed that Israeli warplanes have been detected flying over the key port city of Hudaydah,amiing a push by Saudi paid fighters to seize the city.

“Yemen is actually fighting against a Saudi-Zionist coalition,” he said, referring to a military campaign which Riyadh has been carrying out against Yemen since 2015.

He also confirmed that the coalition’s aim is to carry out the Zionist regime’s goals in the region,saying The enemy is using lies and excuses to justify its attack on our western coast, but their goal is to take over the whole country including its islands, coast and ports, said Abdul-Malik al-Houthi .

The United Nations is incapable of pressuring Saudi Arabia to end its military aggression on Yemen as the kingdom has the the support from the United States and Israel, says an analyst.

“The UN is more or less being dragged into this, telling a little bit of truth about the horrific massacres that have been going on in Yemen,” Kevin Barrett, American scholar and author. “This country has essentially been decimated by Saudi bombing of civilian infrastructure

Back in June, coalition forces, backed by armed paid fighters loyal to Hadi, launched a full-scale offensive against the Houthi-held Hudaydah, which is currently under a tight siege imposed by the invaders. The so-called liberation operation, however, failed to achieve its objective, which is overrunning the vital port and defeating Houthi fighters, backed by those from the Popular Committees.

More than 15,000 people have been killed in over three years of a devastating Saudi campaign against Yemen. The war has badly affected Yemen’s infrastructure as hundreds of thousands remain displaced and in dire need of humanitarian aid.

The United States provides aerial refueling to the Saudi-led coalition’s aircraft, while helping out the invading forces with heavy arms support and bombing coordinates. Washington has also deployed a commando force on the border between the kingdom and Yemen to destroy the Houthis’ arms caches.