
Armed Forces Reveal Major Military Operation in Upcoming Hours




The Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e, announced, Sunday, that a major military operation will be uncovered in the upcoming hours. He said in a tweet that “during the next few hours an important statement will be released about a major military operation.”

In a military statement, Sare’e on January 29th revealed, Albonian Almarsous OP carried out by the Armed Forces. He explained how the Armed Forces were able to confront a large aggressive attack that was targeting the capital, Sana’a.

The Yemeni army has also been successful in carrying out a counter-attack that led to the liberation of all areas of Nihm, Sana’a, killing and inflicting heavy losses on the coalition’s mercenary forces.”

The Army also continued their counter-attack after the collapse of the coalition forces to reach western Marib city, liberating districts in Marib and Al-Jawf governorates, with a total liberated region of more than 2,500 square kilometers in length and width.