
International Fears Of the Spread Of Corona In Yemen



“Reuters” considered Yemen “one of the most vulnerable countries in the world due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus,” after the number of infections rose to seven cases with two deaths.
Reuters expects, in a report that has concerns from the United Nations, that the disease could spread unattended in the country that caused a five-year war that destroyed its health systems and left millions of its people suffering from malnutrition.
“It fears the worst will happen in Yemen regarding the effect of Covid-19 because its population has some of the lowest levels of immunity and the highest levels of disease exposure compared to other countries,” the report quoted the World Health Organization as saying.
The sources reported that the first case of Covid-19 disease was detected in Hadramout Governorate in the south of the country on April 10. On Wednesday, five new cases were reported in Aden and two deaths.

The report pointed out that diseases are prevalent in Yemen, and some of them, such as dengue fever, have the same symptoms as those of the Coronavirus, which makes it difficult to monitor COVID-19, and fears remain with monitoring of these cases of the worsening of the humanitarian situation in Yemen in light of the existing wars and the lack of equipment and medical supplies.
