
The Return of a Battalion Commander from the Mercenaries Ranks in Hodeidah



The local authority in Hodeidah governorate welcomed the return of the commander, on Tuesday, of a battalion in the Sixth Brigade Republican Guard affiliated with the mercenary commander Tariq Afash in the West Coast front, Brigadier General Haitham Salem Arayk.

During the reception, Governor Mohammed Ayyash Qahim noted the return of the deceived mercenaries after they found out the real intentions of the Saudi-UAE aggressors.

He stressed the keenness of the Leader of the Revolution and the political leadership to ensure the safety of all the returnees, and to provide facilities for them.

Moreover, the Director of the Intelligence Directorate of the Fifth Military Region in the West Coast, Brigadier General Riad Baladhi, confirmed that the opportunity still exists for those who wish to return back, including non-commissioned officers, individuals, and civilians, as the homeland is spacious for all of its people.

He pointed out that the increase in the return of those deceived from the ranks of the Saudi-UAE invaders and their mercenaries is a positive step for contributing to building Yemen and heading to defeat the aggressors.

For his part, the Commander of the Coastal Defense Brigade, Director of the Naval College, Brigadier General Mohammed al-Qadri, appreciated the role of the revolutionary and political leadership in issuing the general amnesty decision and welcoming the returnees, in coordination with the Fifth Military Region intelligence.

He urged those who still fight under the coalition’s side to seize the opportunity of the general amnesty and return to the Yemeni national side before it is too late.

For his part, the returnee, Brigadier General Haitham Arik, revealed the desire of many officers and individuals from many fronts on the West Coast to return to the homeland by taking advantage of the general amnesty decision, and coordination is underway for them.