
Dozens Of “Oil And Gas” Locomotives Burned In Marib


Dozens of locomotives loaded with oil derivatives and domestic gas were set on fire in the Al-Arakin junction in Marib, following armed clashes between Hadi forces and tribal gunmen, tribal sources confirmed

The sources said that gas oil locomotives were hit by the clashes, which led to their explosion and burning, and the fire spread to a position where dozens of locomotives loaded with oil and gas are present. The fire can reportedly be seen up to 50 kilometers away.

Top member in the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi held the Saudi-led coalition and their mercenaries responsible for the burning of the locomotives.

In a tweet, he said “we hold the countries of aggression and mercenaries in Ma’rib responsible for burning dozens of trailers meant for citizens.The clashes are against the rules of safety and are a waste of people’s money.”

“This is evidence that the repressive administration pursued by the Saudi officers and their mercenaries against the inhabitants of Marib, does not take into account the preservation of the people,” he added.

He note that “the Aggression countries (The US, Britain, Saudi Arabia and UAE) for seven years, depend on fire management to occupy Yemen, which is the only way they’re good at.”