
Water Services May Completely Stop if the Saudi Blockade Continues: DM



Deputy Minister of Water and Environment Haneen Al-Dreeb confirmed that the continued siege imposed by the US-Saudi aggressors on Yemen may lead to complete paralysis in government water services.

Al-Dreeb explained in an interview with the Al-Masirah channel, that the unjust blockade caused the disruption of the electricity network from Marib, which led to the complete suspension of water services in previous periods. He added that the blockade imposed on fuel imports resulted in a sharp decline in water services provided to the whole of the Republic.

He added that the water supply is currently classified in the category of “severe need” due to the decrease in the proportion of beneficiaries to 30% .. pointing out that the decline in pumping the supply of government water networks means more burdens on citizens due to the high cost of commercial water supplies.

The Deputy Minister of Water pointed out that the blockade has doubled the costs to provide water services and resulted in heavy losses for institutions, in light of increasing difficulties in paying the costs to their minimum levels.