
Mercenaries Government Brings in 14 Containers of Illegal Banknotes



A ship loaded with containers full of printed banknotes without a cover arrived on Tuesday at the port of Mukalla, making a new blow to the Yemeni riyal in the occupied governorates.

Media sources reported that the CLEMENTINA AF ship arrived at the port of Mukalla with 14 containers full of illegal currencies on board, coinciding with the accelerated collapse of the currency and the rise in prices in the occupied governorates.

This step comes as a new blow to the citizens in the occupied governorates, besides the continuous deterioration of services and the accelerated collapse of the living situation, as a result of the continuation of the destructive policy of the currency by the pro-aggression government.

With the arrival of these large quantities of printed currencies without a cover, specialists confirm that the dollar in the occupied governorates will continue to rise, along with the rest of the foreign currencies, which will double the suffering of the citizens there.

The coalition of aggression used the process of printing and counterfeiting the local currency as a major weapon in the economic war it is waging against the Yemeni people. The aggression prompted the pro-aggression government to print and counterfeit more than 5.32 trillion riyals without a cash cover, causing the largest deterioration in the cost of the local currency. Sana’a, however, was able to limit the effects of this conspiracy, by preventing the circulation of counterfeit banknotes in the areas under the control of the Supreme Political Council.

Meanwhile, exchange companies in the occupied governorates stopped dealing in the local currency and went to deal only in dollars and Saudi riyals, while many exchange companies closed their doors after the exchange rate exceeded 1000 riyals per dollar.