
Clashes rage in occupied Aden leaves casualties



Media sources said that clashes erupted yesterday midnight in the occupied city of Aden between the security belt forces, affiliated with the UAE, which resulted in the killing of at least four fighters and injuring dozens until Saturday noon.

The forces of the so-called security belt of the occupation of the Emirates closed the entrances to the area, while the displacement of residents continues due to the continuation of the clashes, while the scope of the clashes is expanding in most of the streets of Crater city.

The occupied governorates suffer from the deterioration of living and economic conditions, and the spread of armed groups of all kinds, in light of the ongoing conflict between the forces of the invaders and occupiers on the ground.

The city of Aden and other occupied cities witnessed during the recent period protests and demonstrations due to the spread of poverty, the deterioration of public services and the collapse of the economy.

In the past few weeks, the Security Belt forces carried out a large-scale campaign of arrests that affected many young men who went out in demonstrations condemning the poor living conditions.

On Saturday morning, citizens found a dead child under a car, as a result of the clashes in Crater.