
5 Ballistic missiles target Saudi military camp in Jizan, southern the kingdom



The missile force targeted al-Wajib forces camp in Jizan, southern Saudi Arabia, using five ballistic missiles, the Army’s spokesman said last Thursday.

In a statement, Brigadier General Yahya Saree said the missile force fired five ballistic missiles on the headquarters, weapons stores, and the hangars of the Apache helicopters in the camp, stressing that the missiles accurately hit their targets.

In addition, the spokesman noted that this operation resulted in the killing and injuring of more than 35, including officers and pilots of Apache helicopters, according to intelligence information.

Brigadier General Saree indicated that these strikes are a legitimate response to the aggression’s crimes, its continuous raids, and its unjust siege on Yemen.

“As long as the aggression continues its military escalation, the consequences will be dire, and our strikes will be painful, severe, and extensive,” Saree said.