
YPC: $165 million is being looted monthly by the Saudi aggression through Yemen’s oil: Report



The Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC) said the forces of aggression are booting Yemen’s wealth of crude oil, nearly $ 165 million per month, which could have paid employees’ salaries for years.

The company and the water and sewage institution carried a protest today before the United Nations Office, assuring they bear full responsibility towards all the lack of oil derivatives the country is witnessing. The low supply of oil has resulted in decreasing the amount of drinkable water, and the spread of diseases.

The participants in the stand stressed that the United Nations has become an essential partner in piracy on the vessels of oil derivatives.

The statement issued by the Local Water and Sanitation said the continued detention of oil derivatives ships by the aggressive coalition led to environmental and healthy disastrous repercussions due to the scarcity of fuel and the few operational resources to provide its services to citizens.

The Foundation said in its statement that fuel insecurity would lead to the stop of generators of 70 wells that extract approximately (1.150,000) cubic pounds. Additionally, it will result in the stop of the sewage treatment, mechanisms and equipment, depriving nearly five million in the Yemeni capital, and thousands of displaced from drinking clean water.

The statement said that the brutality of the aggression and its insistence to continue imposing a siege against the Yemeni people will only increase the steadfastness and confrontation until victory.

The statement added that the United Nations does not sponsor its interests and sources of funding to help in resolving tragedies, siege and gathering by the United Nations, but is afraid to interrupt Gulf donations and funds.

On the other hand, the employees of the YPC said that the United Nations continues to give the green light to the Saudi-led coalition of aggression.

The company expressed that the siege and piracy on oil ships and their detention for long periods of time are increasing the suffering of the Yemeni people because of the financial fines resulting from the delays of their detention, which reached hundreds of millions of dollars during their varying detention periods.

The statement said that the continued siege by the US-backed Saudi forces and their permanent piracy on Yemen’s basic needs of oil derivatives are crimes of genocide. The statement pointed out that the last piracy was on the vessel (C. Lyon), loaded with 29,546 tons of diesel.