
Giant Oil Tanker Aarrives in Shabwah to Loot Over Million Tons of Crude Oil


An official source in the Ministry of Oil and Minerals on Saturday revealed that a giant oil tanker has arrived in the occupied Shabwah province, eastern Yemen.

The source pointed out that the oil tanker Seatrust arrived at the port of Radhoum in Shabwah on Wednesday, in order to loot approximately 1,140,549 tons of crude oil, with a total value of 78.5 million dollars (equivalent to more than 117.7 billion Yemeni riyals).

Yemeni ports controlled by the Saudi-led coalition, such as the port of al-Dhabba and the port of Bir Ali, are an outlet for the looting of Yemeni crude oil.

The organised looting of Yemeni oil comes at a time when Yemenis are suffering from multiple crises due to the aggressive war of the coalition and the brutal siege imposed by it.