
Coalition Warplanes Destroyed Telecommunication Network in Hamdan


Coalition destroyed the telecommunication network in Hamdan district, in Sana’a governorate with an airstrike. The Coalition launched, dawn of Tuesday, a series of raids on the Capital, Sana’a, causing severe material damage.

Almasirah Net correspondent stated that the Coalition’s air forces targeted, with two raids, a car maintenance workshop belonging to Youssef Al-Sami’i in Al-Khair Neighborhood in the North Sixty Street, which led to damage to the homes and cars of citizens, causing a state of panic among the people.
The Coalition also launched two raids in Al-Thawra district, and two raids on the Jarban area in the Sanhan District, without reporting any casualties.

The Coalition’s warplanes targeted a number of residential areas in Sana’a and various governorates over the past five days. 50 civilians were killed and injured, as a result of 130 air raids launched by the Coalition on eight governorates, including 26 raids on the capital, Sana’a.