
Statistics of the Saudi crimes and violations in Yemen during 2021: Eye Humanity Center



The Eye Humanity Center for Rights and Development revealed statistics on the crimes of the brutal US-Saudi aggression on Yemen during the year 2021.

The center stated in a press conference held today in Sana’a, that the total victims of the Saudi-led aggression against Yemen during the past year amounted to 1,853, including 387 killed and 1,466 wounded. The aggression destroyed and targeted, during the same period, more than 14,551 homes, 147 mosques, 69 schools and educational centers and 1,915 agricultural fields.

The Eye Humanity Center added that the aggressive Saudi-led coalition destroyed and targeted 4 archaeological sites, 3 sports facilities, 12 hospitals, a health facility, two university facilities and a media facility. Moreover, the aggression deliberately targeted and destroyed 1,828 means of transportation, 1,436 commercial facilities, 117 food trucks, and 66 Food stores.

The report indicated that the US-supported Saudi aggression deliberately targeted and destroyed 18 poultry farms, 8 fishing boats, 4 fuel stations, 9 markets, 10 fuel trucks, and 6 factories. In addition, it destroyed and targeted 1,599 roads and bridges, 3 airports, 2 seaports, 13 stations and an electricity station during 2021.

The center indicated that the coalition of aggression targeted with its air raids more than 51 government facilities, 469 tanks and water networks, and 15 telecommunication stations. The committee stresses that these documents and statistics were monitored and documented legally with complete impartiality.

“The international community and humanitarian organizations are primarily responsible for these crimes for their complicity with the Saudi aggressors and their silence about the continued flow of internationally prohibited weapons,” the Eye Humanity Center stated, adding that the United Nations bears full responsibility, primarily for the consequences of the continuation of the US-Saudi aggression and the comprehensive siege that has exacerbated the livelihood of the people of Yemen.