
61 violations committed on the cease-fire agreement in Yemen



The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition forces and their mercenaries have committed 61 violations of the humanitarian and military truce, the official Yemeni news agency Saba reported on Saturday, citing a military source.

According to the military source, 53 armed reconnaissance aircraft flew over Marib, Taiz, Jawf, Hajjah, Saada, Bayda, Amran, Dhalea and Hodeidah provinces and beyond the borders.

In addition, the source pointed out that two Katyusha rockets targeted the sites of the army and the popular committees in Al-Balq Al-Sharqi area of Marib.

In addition, the source declared that six breaches were recorded, with heavy shooting at citizens’ homes and sites of the army and popular committees in Marib and Lahj.