
Nearly 3,000 Dead and Injured Reported in Saada Border Region During Six-Month Truce period


Border hospitals in the districts of Razih and Monabbih in Saada governorate received 2,909 killed and injured, including Africans, as a result of the Saudi attacks on the border areas, and migrants during the six months truce.

“Since the signing of the truce agreement this hospital has received 111 killed and 796 injured people, and that these victims targeted by US-backed Saudi-led aggression colaition in Shada district, and most of the injured cases were transferred to hospitals in Saada or Sana’a,” the director of Razih Rural Hospital, Abdullah Musre’a, said.

He stressed that the situation of Razih Rural Hospital is unable to provide what is necessary for the critical cases that arrive as a result of the Saudi attacks.

The director of Monabbih Rural Hospital, Ali Al-Ayashi, explained that the number of victims of the US-Saudi aggression that the hospital received since the beginning of this year amounted to 169 killed, including Africans, and 1833 injured.

Various areas of the border districts in Saada are subjected to Saudi missile and artillery shelling, on a daily basis, resulting in heavy material losses.