
At least 13,482 Dead And Wounded Confirmed So Far Due To Saudi Aggression On Yemen


The Intesaf Organization for Women and Children’s Rights revealed, on Saturday, that the number of victims of the Saudi-led aggression coalition war on Yemen, including children and women, exceeded 13,482 dead and wounded as of the end of February 2023.

In its report on the coalition’s violations against Yemeni children and women during 2900 days, the organization said that the number of dead women and children reached 6, 328, including 2,440 women and 3,888 children, while the number of wounded women and children reached 7,154, including 2,866 women and four thousand and 288 children.

The report stated that the violations committed by the coalition forces in the western coast amounted to 696 violations, including 132 rape crimes and 56 kidnapping crimes, while the violations in the southern governorates, and Aden in particular, amounted to 443 rape crimes, according to the reports.

The report added, the number of persons with disabilities increased from three million before the war to 4.5 million people currently, indicating that about 6,000 civilians were disabled as a result of the armed hostilities of the coalition, including 5, 559 children, and it is expected that the actual number will be.

According to the report, there are at least two million and 400,000 children still out of school, pointing out that the number of children facing interruption from education may rise to six million, while 8.1 million children need emergency educational assistance across the country.

It added that nearly 3,500 schools are either destroyed or damaged, with about 27% of schools closed across the country, in addition to 66% of schools being damaged due to severe violence, and 7% of schools being used as shelters for the displaced.

The organization stated in its report that Yemen records the highest child mortality rates in the Middle East, with about 60 children dying out of every 1,000 births, in addition to the death of 52,000 children annually, which means a child dies every ten minutes.

The blockade also led to an increase in malnutrition rates, which rose during the past two years to six million people, from 3.6 million, while more than 2.3 million children under the age of five suffered from malnutrition and 632,000 children suffered from severe acute malnutrition that threatens their lives with death during the current year, according to statistics.

In addition to more than 1.5 million pregnant and lactating women who suffer from malnutrition, of whom 650,495 are moderately malnourished, according to the report.

The organization held the US-Saudi aggression coalition responsible for all crimes and violations against civilians, especially women and children, over a period of 2,900 days.

It called on the international community, international organizations, human rights and humanitarian bodies, and the free people of the world to take effective and positive action to stop the aggression and protect civilians, and to form an independent international commission to investigate all crimes committed against the Yemeni people, and to hold accountable all those found involved in it.