
Abdulsalam Laments Lack of Saudi Seriousness In Negotiation Efforts


The head of the national negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, expressed his regret about the lack of seriousness of the Saudi-led aggression coalition countries towards peace, disbursement of salaries, and lifting the siege.

“After a year from day when the UN-sponsored truce was announced, there has been sufficient time to show that US-Saudi aggression is not serious about peace,” Mohammed Abdulsalam tweeted.

مع مرور عام على الهدنة وما تلاها من تهدئة نكون أمام فترة زمنية كافية لتظهر جدية دول العدوان حول السلام، لكنها عوضا عن ذلك أبقت للأسف على حالة الحرب بالمماطلة وباستمرار الحصار ورفض صرف المرتبات وغيرها من الخطوات اللازمة لإحلال أي سلام.

— محمد عبدالسلام (@abdusalamsalah) April 2, 2023

“Instead of peace, unfortunately, US-Saudi aggression kept of war and blockade. It refused to pay salaries, and take other necessary steps to bring peace,” he said.

It should be noted that Sana’a affirms that lifting ban on Sana’a airport, allowing the flow of food and commercial goods to port of Hodeidah without any obstacles, with dispersing salaries of all employees from the country’s revenues, is a priority to break the status quo.