
Palestinian Factions call for global strike in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza


A coalition of Palestinian factions has called for an international strike in support of Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, who have been under a war of genocide by the Israeli regime for more than two months.

In a statement on Saturday, the National and Islamic Forces, which is an umbrella coalition for major factions in Palestine, called for an inclusive global strike on Monday in protest at the Israeli crimes against Palestinian people, especially in Gaza.

Starting on October 7, the occupying regime launched a devastating war on Gaza following a surprise operation by the territory’s resistance groups, dubbed Operation al-Aqsa Storm. According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, the war has so far killed 17,700 people and injured 48,780 others.

The regime has also ramped up its acts of aggression against Palestinians across the West Bank since the onset of its onslaught on Gaza, killing hundreds of people throughout the occupied territory.

“We expect the entire globe to join the strike, which comes in the context of a broad international movement involving influential figures. This movement stands against the open genocide in Gaza, the ethnic cleansing, and the colonial [Israeli] settlement [construction] in the West Bank,” said the statement.

The strike is expected to affect transportation, aviation, trade, banks, ports, and even schools and universities across the participating countries, the Palestinian Shehab news agency reported.

It is supposed to bring to a standstill “the economic wheel in all countries so that everyone feels that they are directly affected by the aggression on Gaza…and thus pressure is applied [to governments] to [take action for] stopping the war…,” the report added.

Throwing support behind Palestinian cause

By extension, the coalition added, the strike is also aimed at throwing support behind the Palestinian cause of liberation from the Israeli occupation and aggression.

“The strike also opposes attempts to undermine the just national cause of the Palestinian people,” it said.

According to the coalition, the protest action is to convey a powerful message from nations standing on the side of the Palestinian people in support of their legitimate rights for return, self-determination and national independence as a sovereign state.

The coalition affirmed that the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people will continue by all means guaranteed by international law, and will not stop until the Palestinians have achieved their freedom, independence, and statehood.

Source: Press TV