
MR.Mohammed Ali al-Houthi: Failure of US coalition in Red Sea made clear by withdrawal of member states


Member of the Supreme Political Council in Sana’a, Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi, said that the withdrawal of some countries from the US-formed coalition to protect Israeli ships confirms the failure of the declared coalition.

” The countries that declared non-participation have preferred their interests over this alliance” Al-Houthi said in his post on “X” platform. “It is a message to those who want to continue the adventure of preserving their interests instead of sacrificing them for the sake of the occupying entity’s interest.”

He noted that any danger threatening the Suez Canal comes from this American step, which came in response to Israeli entity, adding that America and the participating countries bear their responsibility for its consequences.

Al-Houthi said that any targeting against the Yemeni people and their republic by this coalition will make the aggressor’s ships, battleships, navigation, and interests as a target for Yemeni missiles, aircraft, and military operations.